
45 Movie Reviews

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I could not find any artistic highlights in this video, it mostly lagged the whole way, the dark figure animation was half-assed, most background materials weren't rendered decently..And most of all, it didn't present a real storyline. This video does not seem to be planned at all, everything seems random and out of context.

2 points for some drawing & colouring skills, 1 point for the FBF scan animation which is honestly delightful. The rest was dreadful.

aba1 responds:

well ya the quality in the images was quite low you know how much I had to shrink this movie to get it on here it is litterally 1/8th the original size and even after all that it still lags so yes some of the quality isn't there but that's to minimize lag. The only reason I could imagine it giving as much lag as you let on is your computer being shitty?

Honestly I laugh at your dark figure comment because its based on the same style of limbo which won best game in its category for the year and everyone I know was impressed at how close it looked hell the comment above yours hates this movie because he thought it was literally ripped from the game that's how close the aesthetic is so I really don't see how it is half assed?


Congrats man, You've made a fine parody production, well served on the front page. =]


Nice, but as a parody it does not own enough excessive expressions to bold out the false, plus its abit too slow.
But i'll admit, it gave me a giggle.

Battosai810 responds:

I didn't think it was too slow, but that's just me. Anyway, happy you liked it :)


There must be some games at a certain time with retarded flaws, and .. Heh, truely is wierd nobody shared this.

'Cant grade ya for the visual effort, but I sure can for the guts of bringing the flaw online, cheers for that.

Battosai810 responds:

It will baffle me until the day I die that the voice actors for this game were actually paid and considered "professionals"

The visuals were made to match the quality of the voice acting. Take that for what you will :)


I'm not targeting what you'de tried to say here, but it always amuses me the male will to impress a woman, and the end, was socialy obvious. =P


Everything in the animation was terrific.
Becides the storyline, the storyline was based on something very...Well, stupid.

Um. What.

The intro seemed promising, but the whole animation was utter waste.

2 frames of choppy loop, in space.
I'm sorry, but I fail to see any effort put into this.

Very nice.

Very amusing, but lack of scenes.
Duration of the product is important aswell, dont be lazy. ~

Colab's are hitting Newgrounds strong lately..


Massive lag, couldent watched through all the way. <_<
So all I can really say is :

You havent connected the "Peaceful" factor into the war factor, it just seemed very unrelated to each other.
Good luck with your future submissions.


One of a hell of a punchline.
Killen' frash, I dident saw it coming, very well done.

Watermelon sized ego with an healthy tendancy of narcissism introduced to the internet.

Age 31, Male



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